Journey Notes Praise Journaling: Discovering Joy in Unexpected Places

 My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,
turning your ear to wisdom and
applying your heart to understanding . . .
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.

Proverbs 2:1-5

The Scriptures are a treasure trove for ALL who hunger for fellowship with their Creator.  In the first year I began my counseling career I developed Journey Notes Praise Journaling. The initial goal of Journey Notes Praise Journaling was to help break up the negative perceptions of clients battling depression. After witnessing the overall improvement of Clients who were doing their Journey Notes–even in those whose circumstances did not change–I provided Journey Notebooks for all my of Clients and was eventually inspired to begin the process as well. Wherever you are in your journey with Christ, if you are seeking an effective tool that will promote your spiritual growth, Journey Notes Praise Journaling has been proven to be helpful.


Over the years--WISDOM, COURAGE, CONFIDENCE--starts with TODAY . . . .
Over the years–WISDOM, COURAGE, CONFIDENCE–starts with TODAY . . . .
  1. I strongly recommend that you purchase an Ampad Gold Fibre Classic Project Planner (7.25″ x 9.50″.)  It provides the perfect setup for this approach as it tucks nicely alongside a Bible and the hard back means you can write in it just about anywhere.
  2. You will also need a RED PEN to use when you are quoting Scripture so that it stands out on the page.  (Use a regular pen to write out everything else.)  Over time, as you look back you will be able to see an actual conversation that has taken place between you and God.
  3. As you begin, PRAY, give thanks to God that you are not alone and ask Him for a teachable heart. I recommend starting in I and II Peter (very encouraging when facing problems) but if there is another place you want to start it’s fine.

Now the breakdown as you look at the page:

  • Your Praises ~ Log three (3) things you are grateful to God for in the column on the left side of the page.  Your praises should be different every day and written in the first person to God rather than writing about Him.  They can be about His provision for you, His character or anything else that comes to your mind.  If you can’t think of three praises to log, PRAY and ask Him to help you.
  • Your Prayer Concerns ~ Write them down in the column below your praises.  (I generally log the things closest to what is happening in my personal life and keep on-going concerns for others separately.)
  • God’s Word to You ~ To be written in the space provided at the top of the Journey Note page. Before starting to read Scripture, pray and ask God to show you what He wants you to see or learn. Then, begin reading the passage expectantly as you look for spiritual treasure. (Don’t worry about how many verses to read; just read until something stands out to you.)  When a verse or passage does stand out, write it in the God’s Word to You section at the top of the page using your red pen.   (Resist taking shortcuts like only writing the reference rather than the verse/verses.  Taking time to write out the Scripture often can broaden your understanding as to personal application.)
  • Your Response to God ~ You can do your praises, concerns and Scripture reading in any order you like, but it works best to save Your Response to God for last.  This last piece should be written as a personal response to God’s provision in the central section of the page–as you write to Him rather than about Him.  (It’s a small but important distinction that can serve to enlarge your overall Journey Notes experience.)  If other Scripture comes to mind as you write, switch to writing with the red pen so that the Scripture will stand out on the page when you look back.  It’s interesting and fun when you later go through your Journey Notes because you will see a conversation emerge between you and your Lord!

For those willing to enter into the adventure, Journey Notes Praise Journaling is a delightful means of discovering the abundant life Jesus offers to all who desire to honor Him.  If you are up for the challenge, it can be a means of discovering JOY in unexpected places–so why not go for it? 

“Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 
I Thessalonians 5:16-18

All to His Glory!


  1. Thank you for sharing these wonderful tools with us. I love coming by your blog for encouragement. We recently added three more children to our family (foster to adopt). Your wise counsel is a gift to me 🙂

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